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Alexander Technique Institute North Sydney


DVD available

F.M. Alexander with pupil

Diana Devitt-Dawson with pupil

Elisabeth Walker with pupil

Diana Devitt-Dawson guiding students

Senior student Erin teaching

Elisabeth Walker teaching Diana

Diana CPD instruction, London

The lightly poised head, drawn here by the Zen teacher and poet Paul Reps, is synonymous with clarity of mind and openness of spirit. The free neck is the key to the naturally vertical spine.

F.M. Alexander at 85yrs

Alexander’s niece, Marjory Barlow with pupil

1st generation teacher Elisabeth Walker with pupil

Elisabeth Walker 94yrs

Senior student Mark with pupil

Diana and 1st generation teacher Erika Whittaker

Diana conducting CPD, London

Instructional DVD
Mr Patrick Macdonald M.A. (CANTAB.) London
Head of Training teaching students hands-on the NH&B relationship.
Available from: HITE. See www.hiteltd.co.uk