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Alexander Technique Institute North Sydney

About Us

Diana Devitt-Dawson is a senior Alexander teacher and 'x' Head of Training. Diana offers talks and presentations to health professionals, the general public and offers individual Alexander lessons at, the Alexander Technique Institute in North Sydney and at Avalon Wholistic Medical Clinic in Avalon Village.

  • Diana was born in Launceston, Tasmania and is a 2nd generation Alexander teacher with over 38 years of continuous teaching experience.
  • Diana is a health professional, nurse educator and midwife (retired) with post graduate studies in orthopaedic and cardiovascular health.
  • 1981-1984 Diana undertook Alexander teacher training in London with Head of Training, Patrick Macdonald (who trained with F.M. Alexander) and Shoshana Kaminitz.
  • 1984 graduated, and became a member of the professional society, STAT (London).
  • 1985 -1988 Diana joined the Alexander Institute in Central London under directorship of Dr Wilfred Barlow, Consultant Rheumatologist / Alexander teacher.
  • In 2002 Diana became Head of Training at the Alexander Technique Institute Teacher Training School (Cert. M. AUSTAT.) in North Sydney, Australia.
  • Diana has conducted CPD training, workshops and offered private lessons in U.K., Australia and Italy and has presented at International Alexander Technique Congresses.
  • In 2012 she undertook intensive (residential) training in, MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) for Health Professionals with Professor Joh Kabat-Zinn, University of Mass, Medical School, in New York.
  • Diana lives with her husband Geoff Dawson (psychologist & Zen teacher) www.zensydney.com in Avalon Beach, Sydney.
Diana Devitt-Dawson

Diana Devitt-Dawson
M. AHPRA, Cert. M.STAT (London), M.AIMA

While living in London Diana had on-going private lessons with 1st generation teachers including, Dr Wilfred Barlow M.D. (Consultant Rheumatologist & Alexander teacher/HoT) author of The Alexander Principle and More Talks of Alexander, Margaret Goldie (Alexander's long time assistant), Marjory Barlow (Alexander's niece), Elizabeth Walker and Walter Carrington.

In 1988 Diana returned to Australia and set up her own private Alexander practice in Melbourne while also teaching in a private medical practice. In Melbourne, Diana met Erika Whittaker, a 1st generation Alexander teacher with whom she began having weekly lessons until until 1991 when she moved to Sydney. In Sydney, Diana met with an Orthopaedic (spinal) specialist, Dr. Bob Gordon-Smith and began teaching in his rooms at British Medical Association House in the CBD. During that time, Diana developed a keen interest in the psychophysical and behavioural benefits that result from people (all ages) who are in pain and who learn to apply the Alexander principles to stop harmful habits of use and reaction.

In 2002 Diana became a Head of Training and set up the Alexander Technique Institute Teacher Training School (Cert. AUSTAT) in North Sydney. Diana has had several articles published in the professional Societies newsletters and journals of, STAT (London) and AUSTAT (Australia) newsletter, ITM (In the Moment).


Diana took up learning Celtic harp (as an adult) and enjoys world music, writing, reading, travel, sailing and country walks with husband Geoff and Border Collie dog 'Sunshine.' Diana is passionate about presenting the teachings of F.M. Alexander as accurately as possible via hands-on teaching. Traditional Alexander lessons offer kinesethetic change that allow understanding as outlined in Alexander's four books.

See: Re-Education page

See: Contact Us

Diana's harp

Diana's harp

Patrick Macdonald

Macdonald read history at Cambridge
University before undertaking teacher
training with Mr. Alexander himself. He
became a respected Head of Training

Diana with Elizabeth Walker

With first generation teacher
Elizabeth Walker.

Diana with Erika Whittaker

With first generation teacher
Erika Whittaker.

Diana's graduation

Diana's graduation with
Patrick Macdonald